Using his energy for good
Abner was a beneficiary in our home-based care programme in Westbury for 9 years and has many fond memories of when he was in the programme. The 2010 FIFA World Cup was an incredible time for many South Africans, but as an orphan from a poor township, Abner could not imagine that he would ever be part of it. But he was. He got to travel to Rustenburg to watch the match of Denmark vs Japan. That was when he realised that he could dream and his dreams could come true.
He remembers Christmas parties and receiving stationary every year. He recalls the food parcel being delivered every day that made him feel like a million bucks. With the support of AKB donors he completed his diploma in Financial Accounting in 2018.
Abner can’t sit still. Apart from his daily job as a research analyst at Debtsource, a donor of AKB, he is also a fitness instructor at SABC.
Recently he has become more involved in giving back to those that need help because he knows what it’s like to be in that position. He currently mentors Luke, who is in matric and stays at our Maria Kloppers Campus. Luke is a bright boy with loads of potential, but his fears of “post matric” is causing him to act out and letting his grades drop. “Luke is a good young man and I love his character. He was willing to share his story with me and I believe he can achieve whatever he wants in life. He doesn’t need motivation. He just needs support and clarity. He is my friend and we chat often,” says Abner.
Abner joined our Ride4Hope team for the “Discovery 947 Ride Joburg” in November and is helping to raise funds for our children’s therapy. “I’m doing it to pass on the hope that I received and to try to help the children of Abraham Kriel Bambanani wherever I can,” says Abner.
‘n Energieke jong man
Abner was vir nege jaar ‘n begunstigde van die tuissorgprogram in Westbury en hy het baie goeie herinnering uit daardie tyd. Die 2010 FIFA Wêreldbeker was ‘n ongelooflike tyd vir vele Suid-Afrikaners. As ‘n weeskind in ‘n arm gemeenskap het Abner geen verwagtinge gehad om in die opwinding te kon deel nie. Maar hy het. Hy is per bus saam met ander Abraham Krielers na Rustenburg om die wedstryd tussen Denemarke en Japan te kyk. Dit het die deurslag gegee vir hom om te glo dat hy mag droom en sy drome kan bewaarheid word.
Hy onthou die jaarlikse Kerspartytjies waar broodnodige skoolskryfbehoeftes uitgedeel is. Hy onthou die kospakkies wat elke dag by hulle hek afgelewer is en wat hom baie spesiaal laat voel het. Met die hulp van AKB donateurs kon hy in 2018 ‘n diploma in Finansiële Rekeningkunde voltooi. Abner kan nie stilsit nie. Behalwe vir sy werk as navorsingsanalis by Debtsource, ‘n donateur van AKB, is hy ook ‘n fiksheidsinstrukteur by die SABC.
Onlangs het hy meer direk betrokke geraak by teruggee aksies waar daar nood is, want hy verstaan maar te goed hoe dit voel om in so ‘n posisie te wees. Tans mentor hy vir Luke, ‘n matrikulant by die Maria Kloppers Kampus. Luke is ‘n intelligente seun met hope potensiaal, maar sy vrese vir wat na matriek kom, laat hom uitreageer en het swakker skoolpunte tot gevolg. “Luke is ‘n goeie jong man en ek hou van sy karakter. Hy is bereid om sy storie met my te deel en ek glo hy kan enigiets bereik waarna hy strewe in die lewe. Hy het nie motivering nodig nie. Hy het net ondersteuning en helderheid nodig. Hy is my vriend en ons gesels gereeld,” sê Abner.
Abner neem deel aan AKB se Ride4Hope-span in die “Discovery 947 Ride Joburg”. Hierdie fondsinsameling is ten bate van ons kinders se terapie. “Ek doen dit om die hoop wat ek gekry het oor te dra en om die kinders van Abraham Kriel Bambanani te probeer help waar ek ookal kan,” sê hy.