In Need of a Role Model

Ken Summers (pseudonym) does not know his biological father. He lives with his grandparents, uncle and younger sister in Kathrada Park. His mother passed away when he was ten years old. One could expect the following scenario to describe this young man’s life:

“Ken dropped out of school and is selling and using drugs. He has already been in and out of prison. All this because he has to help support his family whose only source of income is his grandparents’ pension grant”.

This is a narrative that could be expected of a young man from an area such as Kathrada Park and surrounding areas namely, Westbury, Slovo Park and Coronationville and who has little or no knowledge of his father. It is not Ken’s story.

Ken (17) is a beneficiary of the Abraham Kriel programme in Westbury. He is in Grade 11 at Coronationville Secondary School, a Sunday school teacher at his church and he loves soccer. “Growing up without his father did have its challenges but with a role model such as his grandfather (61), whom he affectionately calls father, Ken is a bright and strong young man today”, says Youth Worker at the programme, Nelio Khumalo.

Fathers who engage with their children become their heroes. We shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a father’s role and impact in a child’s life. In our Westbury community, many of the children have either lost, don’t know or are not living with their biological fathers. These children need a father figure that can show them love, support and that can be involved in their lives…even for just a day.

Take up the challenge and be a #Hero4Hope to Ken and 150 other beneficiaries in the Abraham Kriel Family Care programme.

Die behoefte aan ’n rolmodel

Ken Summers (skuilnaam) ken nie sy biologiese pa nie. Hy bly by sy grootouers, sy oom en ’n jonger sussie in Kathradapark. Sy ma is oorlede toe hy maar tien jaar oud was. Sy omstandighede voorspel vir hom die volgende scenario:

“Ken is vroeg uit die skool en verkoop en gebruik nou dwelms. Hy is reeds in en uit die tronk gewees. Dit het gebeur omdat hy sy familie wou help versorg, want hulle enigste inkomste was sy grootouers se pensioengeld.”  

Dit is hoe die storie van jong seuns gewoonlik verloop in areas soos Kathradapark, Westbury, Slovopark en Coronationville. Maar dit is nie Ken se storie nie.

Ken (17) is ’n begunstigde Abraham Kriel se Westbury program. Hy is in Graad 11 in die  Coronationville Hoërskool, ’n Sondagskoolonderwyser by sy kerk en hy is dol oor sokker.  “Ken se grootwordjare sonder ’n pa was ’n uitdaging, maar gelukkig was sy oupa (61) daar. Hy noem sy oupa ‘vader’ as ‘’n liefdesnaam, want die is vir hom ‘n voorbeeld en rolmodel.”  Nelio Khumalo, jeugwerker by die program vertel ook hoe kranig Ken is en hoe sy sterk waardes beïndruk.

Pa’s wat betrokke is by hulle kinders word hulle helde. Die impak en belangrikheid van ’n vaderfiguur in ’n kind se lewe kan nooit oorskat word nie. In die Westbury gemeenskap het baie kinders of hulle vaders verloor, of hulle ken hulle eenvoudig nie, of hulle bly nie by hulle vaders nie. Dit laat ’n geweldige leemte aan die liefde en ondersteuning wat ’n pa kan bied… selfs net vir een dag!

U word genooi om die uitdaging aan te neem om ’n #Hero4Hope te wees vir Ken en 150 ander kinders in die sorg van die Abraham Kriel program in Westbury.

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