Childcare Training Makes a Difference
In February 2016, a group of 30 child and youth care workers began a one year Level 4 accredited HWSETA course in Child and Youth Care Work with Abraham Kriel Childcare. The course was met with excitement as well as apprehension by the child and youth care workers who signed up for it. They did not know what to expect and if they would be able to complete the year long course. Students were expected to attend one early morning class weekly in Langlaagte at Abraham Kriel Childcare’s head office and put in 1 650 hours of learning and practical work. The course costs R15 000 per learner and is conducted by Ms Maretha van Zyl and Ms Sarah Papi, who have 30+ years in collective experience in the field of child and youth care.
As with any new venture, we experienced a few hiccups here and there but the first year of the course was a success. The first group completed the course in February 2017, although the moderation and verification process for this group took a long time. Students received their accredited certificates in December 2017.
Abraham Kriel Childcare and the respective child and youthcare centres were extremely happy with the growth of the child and youth care workers. They were also proud of themselves and reported that the growth, knowledge and skills gained had changed their approach towards the children they care for. This is what some of the students had to say:
- “Thank you so much for making me realise that what I was doing before was not relevant to my profession. I pray that all child and youth care workers around the world receive the same training as we did in order for them to be on the same track of knowledge”.
- “We learnt a lot and the Abraham Kriel notes were excellent”.
- “The knowledge that we received was remarkable. I will use it all to help the children that I am working with”.
- “The facilitators made us believe in ourselves, to be proud of ourselves and to love our job”.
- “Thank you! The course has opened my eyes to everything I did not understand. I am proud of who I am now because I am doing my work professionally. Keep doing it for others!”
“After two years we can proudly say that we have two groups that have completed the training. We are currently training two more groups that are expected to complete in March and August 2018. And a new group is expected to start the course on 8 February 2018”, said Maretha van Zyl.
Abraham Kriel Childcare is thankful that it is able to inspire and educate childcare workers to make a positive impact in the lives of the many children they care for in residential care settings and in community care work programmes.
Kindersorgopleiding maak ‘n verskil
In Februarie 2016 het die eerste groep kinder- en jeugversorgers begin met die Child and Youth Care Work kursus.
Die kursus duur ‘n jaar en het ‘n vlak 4 HWSETA akkreditasie. Die kursus is ontwikkel en geregistreer deur Abraham Kriel Kindersorg om te voldoen aan ons eie vereistes. Kinderversorgers het die nuwe uitdaging met opwinding en ‘n bietjie kommer benader. Hulle was onseker oor wat om te verwag en bekommerd oor die uitdaging om weer te begin leer. Leerders moes een klas per week bywoon by die Langlaagte kampus en 1 650 ure se teoretiese materiaal en praktiese werk voltooi. Die kursuskoste is R15 000 per leerder en word aangebied deur Maretha van Zyl en Sarah Papi, wat tussen die twee van hulle 30+ jare se ervaring het in die veld van kinder– en jeugversorging.
Daar was enkele knelpunte in die eerste jaar, soos met enige nuwe uitdaging, maar die kursus was ‘n sukses. Die eerste groep het in Februarie 2017 klaargemaak. Die moderering en akkreditasie sertifikate vir die groep het lank geneem om af te handel en die leerders het hulle sertifikate eers in Desember 2017 ontvang.
Abraham Kriel Kindersorg en ander kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums wat personeel gestuur het vir opleiding, was uiters tevrede met personeel se groei. Hulle was trots op hulleself in hul eie groei in kennis en vaardigheid. Hul benadering tot die kinders in hulle sorg het positief verander. Dit is wat die leerders vertel:
- “Dankie dat u my laat besef het dat wat ek voorheen gedoen het nie toepaslik was vir my professie nie. Ek bid dat alle kinder- en jeugversorgers in die wêreld soortgelyke opleiding kan kry en toegang kan hê tot dieselfde kennis.”
- “Ons het baie geleer en die notas wat Abraham Kriel ons gegee het was uitstekend.”
- “Die kennis wat ons ontvang het was kosbaar. Ek sal dit gebruik om die kinders met wie ek werk te help.”
- “Die fasiliteerders het ons gehelp om in onsself te glo, om trots te wees op onsself en om lief te wees vir ons werk.”
- “Dankie! Die kursus het my oë oopgemaak vir baie wat ek nie verstaan het nie. Ek is nou trots op wie ek is, want ek benader my werk professioneel. Hou aan om dit vir ander ook te doen!”
“Na twee jaar is ons trots daarop dat twee groepe reeds die opleiding voltooi het. Daar is tans nog twee groepe in opleiding, wat onderskeidelik in Maart en Augustus 2018 klaarmaak en ‘n nuwe groep sal waarskynlik hulle kursus op 8 Februarie 2018 begin,” vertel Maretha van Zyl.
Abraham Kriel Kindersorg is dankbaar dat ons kinderversorgers kan oplei en inspireer sodat hulle ‘n positiewe bydra kan lewer tot baie kinders, beide in residensiële- en gemeenskapsorg.